Innovative projects for Coeliac Disease – Web conference
Are you a medical professional that is interested in learning more about Coeliac Disease Diagnosis? Then join our Scientific Committee for a webinar on the ITAMA project and the work done by the project so far. Registration is free of charge by filling in the form available online at the website: fad.servizitalia.it.
Click here to view the web conference program.
Newsletter #1

Celiachia: diagnosi più veloci e meno invasive grazie al progetto europeo ITAMA

Request for Web Developer Services in connection with ITAMA, project C1-1.1-18 under Interreg Italy-Malta 2014-2020 Programme.
ITAMA – NET (Malta) “Life and Style”
The following is a recording of the interview aired on “Life & Style” with Dr. Chris Barbara highlighting the importance of early diagnosis and consequences of coeliac disease in children.
ITAMA – One TV (Malta) “Dak li Jghodd”
Check this interview aired on “Dak li Jghodd” including a live demonstration of the test to be performed on the children taking part in the study.

Dissemination & Information Session on the Third Health Programme